The Property You Are Looking For Is Currently Offline
You are viewing this page because you are using a link to a property that has been sold or has been temporarily taken off the market.
We Update the Status Of Our Properties With This Method:
- For Sale – The primary status of our listings. There are certain nuances such as “Fire Sale” listings which are properties that are listed below market value or have had large recent asking price reductions. Check Fire Sale Land Deals Here or Check Fire Sale Home Deals Here
- Under Contract – When a buyer and seller are in the closing process, we list our properties as under contract. If you see a property with this status, all hope is not lost, but you may have missed the boat. Sometimes a glitch can happen during closing and the property will be put back on “On Sale”. Contact us if you have any questions about a property that is listed as “Under Contract”.
- Sold – Upon the successful completion of a property purchase, the listing status is set to “Sold”. We generally leave these listings online for a few months so website visitors are notified that a property that they may have been interested in is no longer available. Eventually, we will take the listing offline completely so our search results aren’t cluttered with Sold properties.
Other Cases Why a Property May Have Been Taken Offline
There are other instances where a property listing has been removed from our website without going through a normal status update process. The most likely cause is a property owner(s) have had a change of heart, an owner is not getting offers close to what they are seeking, adjustments are being made to the property itself, or there is a reorganization within an ownership group.
In these cases, we take these listings offline and put them into a “holding status” until the owners have completed the adjustments they would like to make to their listings. It is possible that these types of listings will be resubmitted to our company and put back online.
Contact Us For Details
If you have any questions about why you are viewing this page and not the property you were interested in, contact us with a description of the property you are looking for. We will review our records and provide you an answer about the property listing and/or provide you similar alternatives that may be better than what you were looking for in the first place.
Plaza Pacifica Shopping Center
Dominical, Costa Rica
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214-613-5736 (U.S.A.)
011-506-2787-0226 (Costa Rica)
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